Beginning as the volunteer work in the early-mid 70’s, the 501c Business Incubator Council, LLC (501c BizIncCncl)™ would establish 2 charitable entities a small national foundation (2014) as fiscal sponsors that provided a portfolio of B2B services in addition to job training using the resources of the LLC and its first charity, ED-Lab Online (2002-07).
Always a one-person operation, increasingly high demands for basic and advanced technical assistance, funding support, programs & customized startup services required a total operational and organizational restructure in order to hire other volunteer leadership.
The 501c BizIncCncl™ is parent to its lead and supporting charities. Its is a true business incubator council whose purpose is to absorbs the back office operations, administrate compliance, statutory and other reporting, manage all credentialing & licensure, and oversees other overhead tasks of its charities so they can focus on the Missions is Program operations , delivery real-time training. The LLC functions goes well beyond its apparent combination of GSA, GPO, Natl Archives, & Treasury undertaking everything from managing

and securing business, financial, real property, human & other assets, performs compliance, documentation, and funds disbursement for and across its Stakeholder Market.
This fills in gaps created when Govt and other these entities excluding 501cs from access. BUT, because the LLC absorbs all those functions and their costs, its charities can deliver on-demand services free or for pennies on the dollar relative to market rates — exactly what startups and young businesses needs.
Phase II of that process is complete and the result is the Economic Empowerment Foundation for Exempt Startups & Small Businesses (EEF-501c)™, a Collaborative of Small Business Charities that go well beyond being the charitable version of the US Small Business Administration (SBA), US Departments of Commerce, Labor, & Education, a Charitable Foundation, and a National University. Phase III commences the launches of its sibling entities throughout 2024 as part of The Foundation 10-Year anniversary as an IRS exempt entity even though its purpose/work originated in 2001 to keep ED-Lab Online (2002-07) 100% free for its HBCU, MSI, Voc-Ed, & Community College online users who at the time had no online computing resources available to them.
The Foundations mission has always served its peer 501c startups, and entrepreneurs, tax-exempt small businesses were incorporated as were their for-profit siblings. Despite tax exemption being a business formation classification no different than S-Corp or LLC, 501c entities face barriers and exclusions to small business assistance, assets, & funding opportunities because they are not recognized as a business. That begin at the Federal level, continues with States and anyone else choosing to follow he Feds lead. The 2017-2018 Federal Shutdown then COVID with no economic recovery has made this even worse.
So, The 501c Startup & Small Business Collective (501cSBC)™ was established extending the Foundations reach to mirror the LLCs in eliminating unforeseen problems that can delay or derail operations.
The strategic approach , goal, and delivery of the working group forum is a modestly tweaked version of the way the Biz-Incubator Councils delivered its client-facing consulting & support services. 501cSBC™ holds closed working group forums on a weekly/regular basis and address the operational concerns of all its Participating-Members registered for that session. Participant-Members articulate and identify problems specific to their charitable business operations, site specifics creating those issues and offer ideas on what the desired solutions may look like that will work for THEIR organization.
The 501c BizIncCncl™ takes that info, designs/crafts the specific solutions each 501c entity needs, develops and deploys that solution aligning with Vendor or Pollination Partners where needed. The 501c BizIncCncl™ has also developed & test-ran a Master Resource Guide between the 2018 Federal Shutdown and the 2020 COVID Lockdown season. A Volume dedicated to the was included bringing this resource to 12 Volumes, not including its Lead Annotation Volume. It thru its MRG that resulting solutions will be shared with other Participant-Members and distributed throughout the Collectives Working Group Registrants.
501c BizIncCncl™ plans to offer interested parties and non-Members snippets of each Working Group Forum, as well as subscriptions to each Full working group session once its been edited to preserve corporate privacy.